Monday, November 29, 2010

I Break For Caterpillars...

First I will start off by introducing Ava. She is a smooth collie mix who I would like to think has more intelligence than most children these days. Although I must confess she does have at least one major flaw...shes a drama queen. Yes the world falls apart if we get into the car, something falls on the floor (that's not food), the vacuum moves, or sees anything that looks menacing. On days I am in a rush or annoyed at something she undoubtedly thinks I poisoned her food because she wont go near it.

Because of her "drama queen" reaction to everything she had picked up the habit of whining. As you can imagine this just adds to her "the sky is falling" persona, however she has different kinds of whines just to let you know what kind of problem she is facing at that moment.

So as we were on our way she begins to make this unearthly noise that sounds like a dying whale who has beached itself. Drowning her out in music never seems to work since she finds it necessary to blare her distress cry as loud as the radio. Once we get there the whining doesn't end, oh no, she must now whine out of excitement. This is when I put in my head phones and ignore her urgent cries for adventure.

Now to make it clear this is my first bikejoring ride with Ava on a busy jogging/bike path. To say the least Ava is not trained at all so I knew this would be interesting.

To her the basic idea is to pull mommy on the thing that always means fun. AKA the bike.

In a few minutes we are off and things seem to be going really well. She passes a group of teenagers and a homeless guys grocery cart without any hesitation. The first 10 minutes was the only bliss on the ride today for the rest of it Ava seemed to lose her mind. At this point of our training I had been lucky enough to not fly off my bike, however there are a few things that I was not counting on today. Squirrels and caterpillars.... Yep I expected people, bikes, homeless people, and birds but I can count on two hands how many squirrels and caterpillars I have seen since coming to San Diego!

Might I add that while joring I wear a helmet and motorcycle gloves 

I guess you could say I don't trust my dog...apparently for good reason! For as we were ridding along a squirrel suddenly runs into the bushes. Now mind that the squirrel is on the other side of a chain link fence so I have no idea what Ava was thinking when she went after it.

Was she going to pull herself, me, and the bike over the top of the fence? Somehow I think not...

Well then the line that connects me to her harness gets caught in the wheel and the bike comes to a sudden stop, luckily I just slip off the seat and start hopping on one foot trying to get my balance as Ava is dragging me and the bike over to the fence. The seat on the bike is pretty high so I can't just lift my leg to get off the bike without falling over anyway. So there I am hopping around like a hogtied retard.

This is when Ava seems to notice my apparent distress and comes to aid me.

Only she goes around the back side of the bike and pulls it out from under me making me crash in a heap to the cement. Meanwhile she stands at my head looking at me as if asking "What are you doing mom?"

At this point I can't help but let out a laugh. That was until I saw the bike tangled in her joring line. *palm to face* it took over 15 minutes to get it out of the fork. Luckily I got it out and we were off again like nothing had happened. We managed to go 2 miles this afternoon before we turned around.

It was maybe a half a mile into our journey back that it happened. All of a sudden Ava comes to a full on stop to smell what I thought was a piece of dog poop! The bike tangles once again in the joring line and my front end stops, it stops so fast that I flew over the handle bars. By this time Ava is done sniffing the suspected piece of crap and is out in front of me as I am flying through the sky. I land right on top of her and we both crumple down to the ground in an explosion of yells and yelps. Once I got my breath back I pointed at her and said "bad dog" but barely got that out before I realized how funny we probably looked and burst out in laughter. She seemed unfazed and as we got up I chanced a glance behind me at the stupid turd that sent me over the handle bars.

Come to find out it was a caterpillar quickly squirming over the cement to get to safety...

All that to sniff a caterpillar? Really? I looked at Ava and then back at the caterpillar again...

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