Well here we are in a new year, these days I find myself living in Norfolk, VA with my husband and two huskies. I have already posted about Miko who is now a whole 5-6 years old! Though I feel the need to introduce our second boy Summit (3.5 yrs old) who we got about a year and a half ago.
This is our little goof ball! He thinks he's so cute....and he is haha. We got him after Ava passed away and somehow he found a way to bring back a lot of joy to my life. Ava left a hole in my heart bigger than I ever could have imagined, but he has done his damnedest to make up for all that loss. Though he can never be my little Ava girl, he sure has found a way to my heart.
Now I have to tell you though, he hasn't always been the little angel he is today, oh no. Being the typical husky that he is, he has bolted off more times than I can count. Including the time we were camping in Illinois on our cross country road trip and he darted out of the tent! And I won't even mention the crate he destroyed when I first got him!
These days he is pretty self managing though and has turned into an...almost mode canine citizen. Sadly he and his brother aren't much for playing together, don't get me wrong they love each other...they...a...well they tolerate each other, maybe love is a little strong of a word. They both seem to agree that having a female dog in the house would be best so eventually we will be expanding our pack, but for now they will have to live with each other.
As seen in a previous post I occasionally mush, I actually got Miko specifically because I wanted to get into mushing. You see Ava just could never be trained out of pulling so I figured why fight it, I would just tap into her instinct. Well I gotta tell you...after I got Miko she just let him pull all the weight! Which made his job much harder considering how hilly San Diego is, which inevitably made it hard to mush regularly. So when we moved to the East Coast with two huskies I figured I had hit the jack pot! Two pulling breeds, flat land, and cold weather! What could be better?!
At this point I will mention I have adopted all of our dogs from high kill shelters so none of these guys have been trained to mush or even come from lineage of racers (at least that I know of). So there is a serious learning curve they go through most of the time. In fact all the articles I have ever read usually suggest getting an experienced mushing dog or at least one from a kennel that races.
That wasn't how I decided to do it since I like to do things the hard way haha. I just picked up my little terrified broken husky (seriously if you saw Miko's adoption picture you would think the same) from the shelter, nursed him back to health, bought a harness off of Alpine Outfitters and hitched him up. From the moment I put that damn harness on him he knew exactly what to do, I got seriously lucky with him. He is the most driven shelter husky I have ever seen, he wants to work and do his job well, now I won't say I haven't still taken any spills! I will also say he was never the one to cause the spills, Ava usually did. A rabbit can run out in front of him and he won't even consider chasing hit, he has saved my butt more times than I can count.
So when I got Summit I figured "well hey, should be natural for him too!".....wrong...big.....fat....wrong! Ok he wasn't awful but when I put Ava's old harness on him he looked up at me as if saying "what do you want me to do in this mom?". Not only that but he crumpled up on the ground as if he had been strapped up in a straight jacket! Even after going on a brisk walk he still was convinced I was just torturing him. Well I kinda gave up on that idea for a while and resigned to doing strenuous hiking instead since it was too warm in San Diego anyway.
Once we moved to VA I finally thought I would give it a go again since the conditions seemed perfect and we had arrived just at the right time of year. This time I also had my husband to aid me in training so it would make it that much easier. We found a perfect location and we set out to do it! Mike already knew when we got there that he was gonna get to go mushing and Summit was just excited cuz Miko was. So when we finally took off, Summit just goofily ran alongside Miko like a dinky little brother. Not really pulling and not very coordinated but hey he didn't fall to pieces so we figured we would keep doing it and work up his stamina. So I ordered him his own harness, custom fitted. We went a few more times and he just didn't quite seem thrilled but was getting the hang of it.
Well when we did get his harness we got some results that shocked us both! The semi lazy dog who we weren't sure was enjoying himself turned into a pretty eager musher! Neither of us realized what a great difference it was going to make to have a harness specially made for him. Ava was very close in size and shape to him so we didn't think much of it. Now after the second time in his new harness I have to say he really his turning into quite an athletic boy. We even saw some wild cats on our mush and he kept his cool enough to just sniff and not let his nose take him away. Couldn't be prouder of our little Summit!
So hope your new years is proving to be an amazing one! We sure are hoping this season provides us with even more mushing experiences!